How to Balance Love and Career in a Long Distance Relationship


When it comes to your love life and career, both require equal commitment and discipline. Although some people may choose one over the other due to stress and inability to balance the two elements, it is possible to enjoy the best of both worlds.

You can pull a few tricks to show your lover (short or long distance) how much you care while you are investing 40 hours into a weekly commitment. For example, if he lives in Spain, you can use this page to send flowers to Spain.

We understand that most of your interactions will be limited to online video calling and texting, isn’t it still better than how people in the previous centuries lived?

Even twenty years ago, couples could hardly imagine keeping in touch with their counterparts. The only form of communication was through written letters, where most of them barely reached the other party. 

Honestly, we think we should be grateful towards modern technology. What do you think?

Let us explore our options below when it comes to balancing love and career in a long distance relationship.

1.    Speak Your Mind, but Politely

All the books, seminars, and articles on relationships will tell you to speak your mind when you are in a relationship. They are right, of course, unless you want to spend your later years in regret over what you didn’t say.

However, don’t go saying whatever that comes to your mind. You have to be mindful about what you are saying, and how you are communicating your thoughts and feelings.

In fact, communication is the only form of intimacy you will have with your partner in a long distance relationship. And oftentimes, we tend to spill all our frustrations at work on our distant partners (and regret later).

Hence, it is safe to say that you shouldn’t establish communication with your lover when you are stressed and frustrated. Find a good time to talk, like after a hot shower, after a massage, or when you are happy.

2.    Set Up Clear Boundaries

It may be uncomfortable for some people, but letting your partner know about your schedule previously helps a lot. You don’t want him to call you when you are all whirled about a deadline, or when you are rushing to commute to work.

Let him know what’s up so he can schedule himself according to your needs. Expect the same from him. Ask him when he is available and comfortable, so you guys can hit it off in the romance department!

3.    Stick to Your Commitments

Just as canceling plans and dates last minute pisses you off, it pisses him off too. Since you have two powerful commitments to juggle, keep your commitments organized.

Don’t cancel him out for work, although it is okay if you ditch work for him. But just don’t get into trouble! If you have made plans with your colleagues, stick to it. If you had made plans with your partner, don’t change it at the last minute.

When you are organized about love and career responsibilities, you can balance them better.

4.    Journalize/Meditate/Converse about Your Anxiety

In our opinion, you worry about your relationship only when it is not authentic, meaning you are not a match. When you are in a balanced and fruitful relationship, you feel it. When you are not in a meant-to-be relationship, you just know that something is not right.

People go through anxiety when they are in a long distance relationship. Journaling, meditation, or simply talking to friends and family can give you clarity. If he is the one for you, you honestly don’t have anything to worry about!

In Short

You don’t have to fear being in a long distance relationship. There are people who left a long distance relationship only to end up alone and single.

When God sends a special person into your life, you should accept it as a blessing. Love is a Divine phenomenon, so work on it, do your best, and hope for the best!

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