Wayne Dyer told me, “Stop giving energy to the things you don’t want.” This advice changed my life. I realized that if we all followed a “Not To Do List,” then we would find a whole lot more time to guide our time towards what is important.
Tim Ferriss, author of The Four-Hour Work Week gets straight to the point when he writes, “Not to do lists are often more effective than to-do lists for upgrading performance. The reason is simple: what you don’t do determines what you can do.”

So let’s keep things simple, here is a quick list of what “Not-to-Do” to live an inspired life.
- Don’t be mean or snarky. (Instead: Be kind.)
- Don’t judge. (Instead: Be receptive and open.)
- Don’t compare. (Instead: Recognize and celebrate others achievements.)
- Don’t disrespect. (Instead: Be respectful of other people, situations, time and things.)
- Don’t hold grudges. (Instead: Forgive people, situations and yourself.)
- Don’t be selfish. (Instead: Be thoughtful of others, life is not a game of solitaire.)
- Don’t be ungrateful. (Instead: Be content with what you have: it is always enough.)
- Don’t deny responsibility for the quality of your life. (Instead: Be responsible for your thoughts, emotions, body, and actions.)
- Don’t lose your sense of humor. (Instead: Be funny, laugh a lot – even at yourself.)
- Don’t assume the worst. (Be positive, hopeful and assume the best.)
- Don’t be stingy, (Be generous with everything especially your time, love, and money.)
- Don’t lose interest. (Be curious, creative and actively filled with wonder.)
- Don’t stop listening. (Be an active listener and hear what is not being said—and not said.)
- Don’t get stuck. (Be open to change and new perspectives.)
- Don’t act conceited and think you know everything. (Be a life long learner. Never stop growing and humbly expanding your knowledge.)
And if you must have a To-Be List: (Better than a To-Do List)
- Be kind.
- Be receptive and open.
- Be joyful. Celebrate others achievements and accomplishments.
- Be thoughtful of others.
- Be respectful of other people, situations, time and things.
- Be forgiving of people, situations and yourself.
- Be grateful and content with what you have, it is always enough.
- Be responsible for your thoughts, emotions, body and actions.
- Be funny, laugh a lot – even at yourself.
- Be positive, hopeful and learn to assume the best.
- Be generous with everything especially your time, energy, and money.)
- Be curious, creative and actively filled with wonder.)
- Be an active listener and hear what is not being said as much as what is not.
- Be open to change and new perspectives.
- Be a life long learner. Never stop growing and humbly expanding your knowledge.