Unlike in the past, people are allergic to different foods nowadays. Lactose and gluten intolerance have become quite the problem in recent times, and medical experts claim that gluten can do serious damage to the body. Gluten intolerance is not exactly an allergy – it’s a sign that there’s some kind of problem with the gastric acid.
Here are 8 common symptoms of gluten and lactose intolerance:
Gluten intolerance
Stomach ache
According to experts, stomach ache is one of the most common signals your body sends when it’s trying to tell you something. If you don’t eat healthy or cannot stand some type of food, your stomach will “complain”.
Chronic fatigue
If you’re sleeping 8-9 hours overnight and wake up tired, you should pay more attention the food you eat.
Chronic migraine
People with gluten intolerance often suffer from migraines as well. This type of headache caused by gluten intolerance occurs 30-60 minutes after the meal.
Fibromyalgia (or soft tissue rheumatism) manifests itself by pain in the muscles, tendons and ligaments, and affects women mostly.
Mood swings
People with gluten intolerance may experience sudden mood swings – they may get irritated easily or feel depressed.
Lactose intolerance
Symptoms such as heartburn, bloating or not feeling well after consuming dairy products are the usual signs of lactose intolerance. Here are some other symptoms you should pay attention to:
Lactose intolerant people may feel dizzy after consuming dairy products. The sensation is similar to losing balance.
Itchy skin
If there’s some kind of problem with your digestive tract, it can manifest in itching, eczema, dry and irritated skin.
Inflammation, swelling and pain in the joints may come as a result of gluten or lactose intolerance.
Children with lactose or gluten intolerance don’t develop properly and may also suffer from lack of concentration, attention deficit disorder, anxiety and vitamin deficiency.