Runes are an ancient alphabet system believed to be created by the Celtics, Scandinavians and Germans back in 98AD.
The word Rune translates to “whisper” or “holy secret” and each letter is believed to hold an energetic message that offers intuitive guidance. There are 24 Runes in total and each has a rich symbolism that is linked to the stars, the eight directions and the cycles of nature.
Traditionally, Runes would be carved onto wood, stones or bones and kept in a sacred cloth pouch. To conduct a reading, the individual would select runes in the same way as a tarot card. The choice of Runes as well as the way in which they fell would determine the intuitive message.
Just like there are many different tarot card spreads, there are also many different Rune spreads as well, which can be used to receive intuitive messages.
Even though this is not the traditional way to get a Rune reading, I thought it might be fun to offer a version of a reading so you can get a feel for this ancient divination art.
Your Own Rune Reading
- Take a moment to think about a question you may have or something you need guidance on. Really get clear about your question.
- Once the question is clear in your mind, take a look at the image below of the Runes. Pick 1 Rune that stands out to you the most.

See below for its meaning (runes are listed in order from top left to right)-
Fehu: this Rune symbolises wealth and indicates a need to consider your financial needs or obligations. Could also be a sign that money is on the way or that you are about to benefit from all of your hard work in the past. Also a fortunate sign for starting your own business or a new job.
Uruz: this Rune symbolises strength and power and indicates a need to rise up and take ownership of your life. This Rune also symbolises fertility and an increase in creative or sexual energy. A fortunate sign if you are looking to start a new creative project, relationship or family.
Thurisaz: this Rune symbolises struggle or hardship. It is time for you to go within and deal with any painful situations that may be arising for you now. This Rune is a sign that you may also need to meditate or go within in order to work out your true feelings.
Ansuz: this Rune symbolises the “Divine Breath” and indicates that your own intuition is powerful and strong. This Rune can also indicate stepping into a healing role or consulting a Shaman. Could also be a sign of spiritual awakening and a need to tap into your own psychic abilities.
Raidho: this Rune symbolises a cycle or journey. Perhaps you are in the middle of a significant cycle in your life or perhaps you are preparing to take a trip somewhere. This trip is likely to be enlightening. Can also indicate safe protection while travelling or a need to travel abroad.
Kaunaz: this Rune symbolises creativity, inspiration and wisdom. You have all the insight you need to solve the problem or situation that is arising for you. Remove any anxiety or fear you have surrounding the situation and remember that you have the power to come up with a solution. Could also indicate that you need to let go of the past or let go of old habits in order to see clearly.
Gebo: this Rune symbolises a gift and means that an unexpected good fortune could be coming your way! This is a positive omen for all matters pertaining to love and relationships, it is also a positive omen for fertility. This is one of the luckiest symbols and indicates generosity from the Universe- be sure to give back some too.
Wunju: this Rune symbolises joy and the achievement of goals. You have been working hard and can now sit back and relax. The time to enjoy your life is now, so perhaps take a breather and plan a day of relaxation for yourself. This Rune can also indicate the successful completion of a goal.
Hagalaz: this Rune symbolises the storm and indicates that some much needed change is on the way. You can no longer get by doing what you have been doing, instead you need to make some changes for your health, well being and peace of mind. It is time to let go of destructive, self-sabotaging patterns and begin loving yourself again.
Naudiz: this Rune symbolises an unfulfilled desire. Perhaps you have a dream or wish that has been buried away out of fear or self-doubt. The time has come for you to claim back your confidence and start creating a life that feels good to you. Can also indicate that a time of hardship is soon going to turn around for the better.
Isa: this Rune means “Ice” and indicates that it is a time to pause and reflect. Things are “frozen” for you now so be patient and use this energy to get clear on what you really want. Can also indicate energy blocks that may need to be shifted through exercise or spending time in nature.
Jara: this Rune symbolises cycles and indicates that you are about to start a new one. Perhaps you are feeling more productive and motivated now to start a new chapter. It may be time to clear out the old in order to make way for the new. Is also a positive omen for growth and fertility.
Eihwaz: this Rune symbolises a need to confront your fears and to become aware of how you are allowing fear to rule over your life or the situation. This Rune also indicates a life changing transformation that is going to help you discover your true purpose. Can indicate a difficult time, but there is a light at the end of the tunnel.
Perthu: this Rune symbolises magic and indicates that you are a powerful being with magical powers! You have the ability to create the outcome here and to direct your energy in the way you want things to go. Let the Universe know what you need and you will be helped. Also a good omen for enhancing psychic powers.
Algiz: this Rune symbolises protection and indicates that you are being offered Divine guidance and protection during this time. Support is all around you, all you need to do is be open to asking for help. Could also indicate that you need to pay attention to your health both physically and spiritually.
Sowulo: this Rune translates to “Sun” and indicates a very positive outcome. Your vitality and strength is being increased now and things are falling in your favour. This is a very lucky omen when it comes to your health and career. Lots of good vibes are being sent your way right now so use them to your advantage.
Teiwaz: this Rune symbolises duty and discipline. It is time to take care of the details and to look at things a little more closely before proceeding further. Don’t be quick to make a decision or take action. Also indicates a time of rest and healing is needed.
Berkana: this Rune symbolises healing and indicates that it is time to make a fresh start. The past is in the past, and now it is time to look forward and build your strength up. New beginnings are on the way, you first just need to take care of yourself.
Ehwaz: this Rune symbolises movement and indicates that it is perhaps time to take a step forward or finally take that leap of faith. Perhaps you need to get out of your head and into your body more. Also indicates that communicating your truth is going to be very beneficial to you now.
Mannaz: this Rune translates to “man” and indicates issues pertaining to friends, family or even your community. Perhaps it is time to adjust some of the relationships in your life or to reconsider if they are really serving you. Also a good omen for supportive family and friends- perhaps they can help provide some further guidance or support?
Laguz: this Rune symbolises emotions and things from the subconscious mind. Hidden thoughts and feelings are rising to the surface now and it is time to pay attention to the truth. Don’t shy away from your intuition or emotions, instead use them as a guide. You may need to do some releasing work in order to clear any heavy emotions.
Ingwaz: this Rune symbolises work and productivity. This is a positive omen in all matters pertaining to your career. Now is the perfect time to move ahead in your career and to aim big. Can also indicate a raise, promotion or success in general.
Dagaz: this Rune translates to “day” and indicates happiness, activity and satisfaction. Things are falling in your favour and now is the perfect time to put yourself out there and take the lead. You have a magnetic energy, so use it to your advantage. Also indicates a positive outcome to your asked question.
Othala: this Rune symbolises a strengthening of family ties. It could be that your family is expanding either through marriage or a child, or that family ties need to be healed. Can also indicate inheritance or the acquiring of property.
source and courtesy: Forever Conscious