I’ve been seeing these rings more and more each day. I’ll admit, I’m pretty impressed with the detail and effort that’s put into making one of these beautiful rings. Anything nature based I’ll go completely bananas over but these show some of the finest craftsmanship out there. I mean, who doesn’t want to own one of these stunning pieces of work? Even if it’s not on your finger you could still own a nature ring just for the fact of owning an amazing nature ring. I’d dress to impress with any of these!
Modern Flower Child has an abundance of options to choose from and every single one of them is to die for. Maybe that’s just me wanting ten of these around each of my fingers, but I would definitely recommend purchasing one of these lovely creations.
Modern Flower Child is an Oregon-based company that makes truly incredible piece of artwork. Among our favorites are these extremely intricate rings laden with beautiful floral and other natural prints.
Modern Flower Child’s work can be found on Etsy, along with multiple other

source and courtesy: collectivelyconscious.net