This incredible drink will help you in many ways. It will lower the blood pressure, burn extra fat while fight with diabetes and boost your metabolism. Detoxing with various beverages is a great way to help give your body the nutrients it’s really lower the blood pressure, remove the fat in your belly and fight with diabetes.
Here are some steps.
- Ingredients:
- 1 teaspoon of cinnamon
- 2 tablespoons of Apple Cider Vinegar
- 1 tablespoon of Raw Honey
- 2 tablespoons of lemon juice
- 1 glass of water (12-16 oz.)
Mix all the ingredients using a blender and consume the drink every morning on an empty stomach. You don’t have to put much effort to make this mixture. Only thing you can do is if you want to feel the change. Drink this every morning once you wake up and before you engage in anything else. You will obtain good results.
Since lemon juice is consisting with alkaline it will help your body to regulate PH level while balancing the sugar level.
Apple cider vinegar benefits are plentiful. It provides wide-ranging uses. It contains acid which will lower the blood pressure up to 6%, apple cider vinegar to help fight diabetes, cancer, heart problems, high cholesterol and weight issues.
Honey contains a treasure chest of hidden nutritional and medicinal value for centuries. Honey use for weight loss, treat wounds, use for varies diseases, use as a beauty cosmetic. One spoon of honey per day will give you health many benefits such as reduce pain in the throat, calm nerves and all so for boost metabolism.
As the number one spice cinnamon can be used for control blood sugar in human body.