We are all searching for many things in life, and one of the biggest is our soulmate. This is the person who completes us and helps us reach goals we never thought possible. They help us forgive and love ourselves when we can’t. Together as a team the realm of influence and experience exponentially grow.

Easily Recognized

As soon as the two of you met there was, at the very least, A suspicion of this character being the ‘one’ for you. Both of you can see it and express this possibility with one another without directly mentioning it. Taking a leap of faith, both parties opened up to each other and found soulmates.

You Have The Same Haunts

You both have the similar interests and interconnected wavelengths, You’ve been connected to this person far before you physically met. Ask your soulmate and you’ll see, you both have been to a lot of the same places at different times.

You Met At The Right Time

It may not be the perfect time of your life in other aspects but it was the perfect time to meet the love of your life. It could have a relatively stress free time in your lives or it could have been a particularly rough patch for both or one of you. Regardless of the ‘how’, the scenario surrounding your meeting went, it helped to make room for one another.

The Silence Spent Between You Is Comfortable

All you need to feel comforted, id hid or her mere presence. The silence provides a different back drop for ‘viewing’ your partner. You can sit in each other’s silent presence for hours.

You Recognize Each Other’s ‘Flaws’ And Work With Them

Everyone has ‘imperfections’ or ‘flaws’. Through love and compassion these aspects are seen as simply traits that society has deemed one way or the other. Your soulmate doesn’t see these other definitions, only the beautiful and capable you.

You Can Drop Your Shields Around Each Other

There is no need to be ‘on your guard’ when your with this person who loves you so much. Their natural instinct will always be to protect you. If they have proven that you are not their top priority, or they would not go out of their way to protect you, then you should really examine your relationship.

You Have Similar  Life Goals And Interests

The two of you  naturally fit together like a hand in a glove. You both prioritize life in similar if not exactly the same. You work as a team so if one of you wants it, the other will delight in helping to achieve it.

The Desire To Spend Time Alone Isn’t Threatening

Same as you two can pass away time in silence with one another, you don’t need to be with each other 24/7. This doesn’t mean that you don’t want to, just that your team can work separate from another.

You Challenge One Another

Growth occurs from enduring hardships. Knowing this, dome pf the strongest relationships are constantly challenging one another. This a safe way to test convictions and ideas.

You Grow As A Team

It’s important that people be given space and time to grow. If we don’t actively and consciously grow, we stagnate. the same is true of the entity that the two of you form as a team. Each person needs to be given every possibility to grow but that person needs to keep in mind the other individual’s growth. If one person is growing and the other isn’t, something is very wrong.

You Can Talk About Anything

Since there is no judgement between you, there should be unfettered communication. In fact the more two people communicate on varied subjects, one’s that make them nervous, ones that make then sad, or happy, the more in depth the other person’s knowledge will grow.
source and courtesy: Spirit Science
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