8 Signs You Have A Gluten Intolerance

Gluten intolerance or sensitivity is a condition which makes a person react after taking gluten. The symptoms which show gluten intolerance include pain in joints, gastrointestinal problems., fatigue, and depression.
Wheat is a grain that can be found in pasta, cereals, and bread. Salads, dressings, and soups contain gluten, but in small amounts.
Also, barley and rye are the last types of grains that contain gluten. Rye can be found in beer, bread, and cereal. Consumption of these foods and beverages is in fact the cause of gluten intolerance.
Celiac disease is one of the most serious gluten intolerance diseases. It is classified as an autoimmune disease, which causes problems to the small intestine.
When someone with celiac disease consumes gluten, it activates an abnormal immune response that directly attacks the intestines directly.
Additionally, this damage can significantly reduce the body’s ability to properly absorb nutrients. If not treated properly, it can lead to long-term health complications.
Some studies estimated that 1 person in 100 is suffering from celiac disease.
People that are sensitive to gluten often find that their symptoms disappear after gluten is removed from their diet.
Symptoms that indicate gluten intolerance
1. Exhaustion and fatigue
A study showed that fatigue or exhaustion is linked to gluten intolerance. It is believed that this relation is based on the de-allocation of the body’s energy reserves and inflammation.
2. Skin problems
People with gluten intolerance have skin problems such as acne, eczema, DH (dermatitis herpetiformis). Also, other symptoms are burning, redness, itchiness, blistering, and rashes.
3. Muscle and joint aches
It is scientifically proved that the common symptoms of gluten sensitivity include inflammation and joint pain. Also, another study published by the Arthritis Foundation relates gluten sensitivity to arthritis and joint pain.
4. Brain fog
One of the more surprising symptoms of gluten intolerance, brain fog, can also be subtle in nature. Brain fog can be one of the most enigmatic symptoms, simply due to the fact that a number of things can cause it.
However, it is a commonly-cited symptom of people suffering from gluten intolerance and/or Celiac Disease.
5. Abnormal function of the immune system          
The antibodies, known as IgA antibodies are found in the digestive tract and saliva and are the ones which protect the body from colds, flu, and other diseases. Also, they have an effect on the function of the immune system. So, you will develop this disease when these antibodies counteract with your immune system.
6. Migraines or headaches
Migraines are considered to be the most painful headaches. One study showed that people who have gluten intolerance are more likely to suffer from migraines.
 7. Dental problems
Other symptoms of gluten intolerance are canker sores and ulcers in the mouth. People who have gluten intolerance have lower levels of calcium, which is essential for the health of your teeth.
8. Unexpected weight gain
There are two things which cause weight gain: malabsorption and gut permeability.People suffering from gluten intolerance who eliminate gluten from their diet can be able to return their healthy weight level.
source and courtesy: foodsandhealthylife.com
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