How to Break the Habit of Overthinking

Helpful ways to stop thinking and become present

One of the greatest addictions of humans, according to well known spiritual teacher and author Eckhart Tolle, is thinking. While it’s an addiction you won’t usually hear about, we all struggle with it. We can’t stop thinking. We find it difficult to let go of thoughts and this creates havoc in our lives as well as much confusion.
The author of The Power of Now, encourages us to become more aware of the present moment and to let go of the pseudo sense of self.
“I don’t like mindfulness, which implies your mind is full of things. To be present, first of all use the present moment. Presence is a space of no-thought and can be there in the background when thinking is happening.”
Here Eckhart Tolle shows us ways to drop the endless cycle of thinking.
Source and courtesy: UpliftConnect
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